Fall Break Service Trip
The Fall Alternative Service Break Trip will happen from October 9 to October 13, 2019 to Washington D.C. to promote, facilitate, and recognize service-learning involvement among the international student community at NC State University. Each year, the Leadership and Civic Engagement (Leadership and Civic Engagement) at NC State organizes an Alternative Service Break (ASB) during the Fall break for both domestic and international students. OIS will award scholarships to help defray the costs of participating in the Washington D.C. program. OIS partners with Leadership and Civic Engagement and supports the ASB by offering partial scholarships to eligible international students and promoting ASB and other Leadership and Civic Engagement programs.
OIS-ASB Scholarship Eligibility Requirements:
- Students must be enrolled fulltime at NC State and be in good academic standing
- Students must be in valid non-immigrant student status (e.g., F-1, J-1)
- Students must have paid the OIS Orientation Fee (e.g., must be enrolled in a graduate or undergraduate degree program – or GTI 3+x program)
- Students must not have been awarded a previous ASB scholarship from OIS
- Students must submit a completed ASB application to Leadership and Civic Engagement
- Students must submit a completed travel award application in order to be considered for funding
- Students must pledge to share their thoughts, summary experience, and photos afterwards with the international community via the OIS newsletter or website.
- Preference will be given to first year international students and/or students who have previously indicated their interest in the ISSERV programs at OIS (e.g., subscribed to the listserv)
In order to apply, YOU MUST attend one of these Informational Meetings
Tuesday, August 28th | 3:00pm | Talley 3210 |
Tuesday, September 10 | 10:45am | Talley 3210 |
Tuesday, September 17 | 2:00pm | Talley 3221 |
Wednesday, September 18 | 7:30pm | Talley 4280 |
No separate application to OIS is necessary. The Leadership and Civic Engagement staff will share the ASB applications which international students submit by the deadline with a selection committee of OIS staff and volunteers who will then nominate students to receive a scholarship toward their participation costs. An email from OIS will go out to the scholarship awardees.
Recipients must respond to OIS via email within 48 hours of issuance to accept the scholarship and to pledge their intention to share their summary with OIS (see item #6 above). If no response is received within 48 hours, alternative recipients will be selected – provided sufficient time and funds are available.
We know that the ASB experience – and countless other opportunities students have to engage in service learning and volunteer projects – not only make the world a better place, but build local communities and nurture individuals – both giver and receiver. OIS encourages all members of the academic community to give back, give more, and give frequently.