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Global Graduate: Rishabh D Guha

Rishabh D Guha, Doctoral Degree in Mechanical Engineering

About Rishabh

Rishabh joined the direct-PhD program at NC State after finishing his undergraduate degree from India. During his PhD, he worked with other members of his lab to develop a novel damage detection method for aerospace materials. Besides work, he likes to lift weights, go on runs and explore cultures through their food and cinema.

How was your experience at NC State?

It is not an exaggeration at all when I say that this place changed my life!
I learnt a lot, met great people, made a lot of lifelong friends and my experience here transformed me for the better. I would always be indebted to NC State for the person I am today. Go Wolfpack!

What are your plans post graduation?

I have joined the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab as a postdoctoral researcher. My research at the lab entails finding newer materials for plastics which can be recycled more efficiently.

What would you say is your biggest accomplishment from your time at NC State?

I would not like to reduce my entire experience to one accomplishment. Yes, there were great days- days when my papers got accepted, or I represented NC State at a research conference or I got recognized for my academic work, but I feel my biggest accomplishment will be the whole experience and the memories I made at this place.

Do you have any advice for current or incoming students?

I know that it does not apply to every situation but on many occasions, we get so engrossed in our school work that we end up limiting ourselves to our department. I would say- go to that ois event, attend that library seminar, enroll in that workshop. Do things outside your comfort zone and I can tell you from personal experience, that more often than not, you will not regret it.